My name is Adunni
Oshupa Tabasi/NuNu Afua Friefri II enstolled in Ghana as a Queen Mother, April 2004, and affiliated with
“Partnership for Indigenous Peoples’ Environment”. I am also the CEO for the “Afrikan Women United
My position still
exist as to how “Captive Afrikan Survivor Refugees” (C.A.S.R.) fit into the category of “Indigenous Peoples’
and nations”? Our children are also born into the status of C.A.S.R. due
to their Mothers who birthed them are C.A.S.R. Our children are being deeply affected by “The Post Traumatic Enslavement
Syndrome”, to paraphrase Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary.
How can we heal our
children from the low self-esteem inherited by the mental trauma and stress their Mothers are experiencing 24/7? There has
never been any ‘therapeutic treatment’ of ‘healing’ from this on going trauma for the fifty-million
(50) plus C.A.S.R. We as Mothers of Afrikan children are still forbidden to be
who we are as AFRIKANS. We are still not allowed to embrace our Afrikan Identity,
Customs, Cultures and the Languages we spoke when we were by ‘brute force’ and ‘terror’ removed from
Afrika. Enslaved Afrikan Women had to give birth to children in the hulls of the ships chained and shackled that were dispersed
throughout planet earth. This inhumane psychological act was inherited ‘genetically’
by our children from their traumatized Mothers: it’s a wonder any C.A.S.R. has any semblance of sanity. Despite the
atrocities committed on us many of us have contributed greatly to the sciences and inventions the world’s inhabitants
enjoy daily. The cell phone is one that many are enjoying today.
Those of the C.A.S.R.
like myself who dare to acknowledge our Afrikan Identity, customs, and cultures; we are penalized and ostracized by many of
our own. To regain the right to speak our own Afrikan languages and not the language/s
of our ‘captors’ that were forced upon Afrikans universally. To regain our dignity and status of where we were
At The Head of the Universe who have fallen from GRACE, yet we will ‘RISE’ again.
Many Afrikans enslaved
were whipped and bodies deeply cut but the Bull Whip of many tails. Many Afrikan
captive Men, Women, and Children were whipped until they spoke the languages of their ‘captors’. Many here must
remember the ‘SOWETO’ uprising by the youth in South Afrika
who refused to speak Afrikanus. Many of the youth were viciously massacacred, shot down worst than you would kill a ravish
dog!!! Many Afrikan women and children in the United States,
an allegedly “free and democratic” society were mutilated by cutting out their tongues that refused to speak the
imposed languages. Women and children who were forced to speak the language/s
of the ‘captors’ caught with a book learning to read, eyes were gorged out, hands cut off as a warning for many
other Afrikans who tried to do the same. Laws were enacted forbidding any to
teach enslaved Afrikans how to read and/or write. This same abovementioned practice was executed in the Congo
when the Afrikans did not pick enough ‘rubber’ and their hands were cut off….
In closing, Enslaved
Afrikan Women who dared to birth children for future generations are stymied and suffer greatly under the regime of Democracy,
Freedom and Opportunity for all (except the C.A.S.R.) with no hope for future generations. Women and Children are the ‘backbone’
of any society; Men do not, do not birth children. To deny women the right to
birth and bring healthy children into being, the future will be very bleak!!!
The ‘Freedoms’
espoused by the United States Government around the Universe are ‘Bogus’ and so much ‘propaganda’
and yet, none of these doctrines are implemented in the United States. As many of the Indigenous Nations told us long ago”…
talk with fork tongue”.
Final closing, all
that has been expressed here in this forum/s are echoed by CAPTIVE AFRIKAN SURVIVOR REFUGEES, of the never ending AFRIKAN
HORROR HELL OF A COST; (to paraphrase the late Queen Mother Audley Moore) who have and continue to be deeply, deeply, deeply,
affected psychologically by man made horror and terror that is meted out on defenseless men, women, and children, (not just
in the United States) particularly ‘women’ who are the Mothers of he earth’s population. Time didn’t
allow me to explore this topic further. I speak for the Millions of Afrikan Ancestors who are unable to speak for themselves
and all those out of ‘fear’ who do not voice their feelings for fear of reprisal. I thank you.
“Time did not
allow me to articulate this entire position statement* Monday 23rd, May 2005, conference room 2, Themes: “Indigenous
children and youth” and “Indigenous women”. 3-6 p.m. related to
follow-up of previous special themes of 2203 & 2004.